The objective of this project was to create a
logo for a non-existent car brand, but also
to make a landing page for the operating
system inside the car.
Brand name
The name Navette is french and translates
to commute, which means getting from point A to point B.

While making the logo, I first looked at different logos
portraying the letter N. We then came up with the Navette logo.
The logo represents commuting, the first line in the letter N
represents the way you take to your destination and the other
line represents the way you take back. The shape of the logo
also has a meaning. The curvature of the lines are the same
as the car and you can see this curvature throughout the whole
The finished product consists of the logo icon with the name Navette
written in the font Days one which I chose because the curvature
of the font is very similar to the curvature we used in the logo.

I also made the landing page for the operative system inside the car.
Because I chose to make the brand about commuting, I figured I would make a to-do list on the car screen since the target group is busy people who have a lot on their plate. This way the can plan ahead and always know when and where they have to be somewhere.
The icons on the screen are made after the logo to
preserv the brand identity.